“Pray about everything. Worry about nothing.
Walk in Faith and find a fiend for the journey.”
Pastor Faith ends every Sunday service with the above blessing. Our Thursday evening small group study is now called the “Journey Group”. We have been meeting on Thursdays for three years now and have enjoyed many various studies about the Bible, Old and New Testaments, Christian Faith, our religion and things about daily life and how faith is apart of all of our lives daily. There have been some deep studies on some subjects and there have been some studies that have been great fun. Either way we strive to have a wonderful, happy time that is filled with God’s love shared with each of us through the gifts of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As Pastor also says we try to “be a blessing” to one another.
If you are interested in joining our small group, we meet
on Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the conference room at Mt. Harmony. Everyone in our congregation, adults, young and old, from Lower Marlboro and Mt. Harmony is invited to join. All sessions end at approximately 8:30 pm. The content is suitable for young adult to senior aged parishioners. There is usually one book priced between $10-$15 that is to be obtained when we begin a new study topic. Each study topic usually runs from 4-8 weeks with a few that has lasted longer. If you require additional information you may contact me directly.
As we closed our fall study for 2019, “John: The Gospel of Light and Life” we will be starting a new book called “Christmas Gifts That Don’t Break” by James Moore.
Some gifts are forgotten as soon as the crumpled wrappings are tossed in the fireplace. Others - like hope, love, joy and peace - last year round! In this expanded 5-session study structured around the four candles of the Advent wreath and Christmas Day, storyteller James W. Moore ushers in the season by focusing on what endures. Includes weekly devotions and daily applications.
Go on an Advent journey with beloved teacher and story-teller James W. Moore, exploring the spirit of Christmas. As you light the candles of your Advent wreath, reflect on the unbreakable gifts that God has given us: hope, love, joy, and peace. And remember God’s greatest gift, who comes to us as a baby and leads us through all the days of
our lives.
This book can be ordered through AMAZON This five-week study will begin on November 7. This study will end on December 12th. We will skip November 28th for Thanksgiving. All sessions are on Thursday evenings and will begin at 7:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm. If you have questions or need any help obtaining the book, please contact Jerry Jones, cell 443-771-2974 or email