The United Methodist Women will be coordinating and sponsoring the Angel Tree. We anticipate having the gift tags available around the first of November on the Angel Tree at Mt. Harmony. We will be receiving names of individuals from Social Services, the Board of Child Care, The Calvert Nursing Center, and children that have been provided to us by members of the congregation. If you take any gift tags, please notify Janice Lloyd at 240-304-7979 of the gift tag number and gift listed on the Angel Tag. This helps to keep track of who is purchasing the gifts. The tag will provide additional information about the individual, i.e., sex, sizes, age, and when the gifts must be returned to Mt. Harmony. It will also indicate if the gift you purchased is to be wrapped or left unwrapped.
If you would like to send rolls of gift wrap or scotch tape along with your gift, that would be appreciated. Your help with this project is much appreciated by the UMW and we thank you in advance. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Janice Lloyd at 240-304-7979. All gifts are due no later than Sunday, December 1, 2019. On Saturday, December 7, we will be packing the gifts and help is needed for this task.