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Trustees & Financial Report 2015 in review

Pastor Faith

In compiling our statistical report for 2015, our finances, missions, giving, and expenses are before us in a single snapshot that is truly helpful as we start a new year. At a glance, it becomes clear that God blessed us in ways we couldn’t have anticipated. We see that our Sunday Morning giving through the offering has increased once again this year. We see that more people are financially contributing toward the overall ministry of the church, by placing an offering "on the altar". We also see that the number of directed gifts - giving toward a named missions, outside of ourselves (both locally and globally) in now at the highest level we have seen.

Our expenses in some areas were lowed in 2015. The cost of utlities, for example was lower due to lowering cost of electricity for all homes and businesses. Even with the decision to turn the parsonage into an Outreach Center,called “Harmony House,” our year-end report shows that Harmony House utility cost still didnt push our utility costs higher than what we saw in 2014.

Donations and pledges made by parents of children participating in Harmony House covered the cost of the utilities which includes telephone and internet costs in addition to electricity.

Opening a new outpst for ministry to children outside our pews, was a decision that truly called us to step out in faith. Why? Because a decision to re-purpose the parsonage would mean the operating budget would no longer have income from the parsonage (used as a rental property). Leaders trusted God would bless the mission and provide the resources as needed. Repairs, upgrades and the installation of a privacy fence were all paid for by the donations made by local businesses, individuals (monetary & gifts in-kind), an on-line fundraising campaign and the use of the Parsonage Repair Capital Savings Fund.

The mortage on the newest portion of Mt. Harmony Church (the 2-level connector betweenthe sanctuary and the education building) is now at $521,275. In 2015, we refinanced our loan and got a lowered fixed

rate so that our payment is one that is a bit lower each month. We still encourage persons to make out donations toward the capital campain, by writing in Memo Line: Building Fund.

Although we “lost” income from the rental of the parsonage, we also ended the payments of off our debt from the costly septic replacement of several years ago.

Please look at this article on where your giving on sunday morning "goes.

The scripture, “For we walk by faith, not by sight” has guided our mission and ministry decisions not only in the last year, but for the last decade. Through the years, we have found trust and confidence in taking steps into the future even when the path is yet unseen.God has taken us courageously into unchartered territories where we have discovered the blessing of God’s provision and made new “friends for the journey.”

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